Latest News
Read the latest news about the Department of Computer Engineering

PeraCom Undergraduates Beat the Giants at AAAI-2025 ML4AD (on Autonomous Driving)

Prof. Roshan Ragel Makes History with the 2025 Mary Kenneth Keller Award

PeraCom & Synopsis Academic and Research Alliance

PeraCom Students Shine at Migara Ratnatunga Trust Awards

PeraCom wins a Gold at Global Robotics Games 2023 at Singapore

ACES ties up with Nenathambara to make its largest coding competition on the island to the next level

Department Staff meets the Vice Chancellor on International Collaborations

Team IT crowd wins the championship in Yes Hub Bootcamp’21

The annual general meeting of the Association of Computer Engineering Students

Prof. Roshan Ragel among the top ranking scientists

Third year undergraduate in the award winning team working on Cloud Atlas